Custom Web-Based Business Management Solutions
Tired of using MS Excell or clunky, complicated applications to run your business? When "off the shelf" applications no longer fits your needs or you are ready to increase production, ZakGraphix can take you to the next level by developing custom business management solutions to accommodate the specific requirements for your industry. We specialize in creating custom Internet-based management software for small to medium businesses based on today's web and mobile technologies.
zgEXCELL Data Management Tool
We've had such a terrific response to our zgEXCELL Applets that we've opened up our development process to our clients, allowing them to request custom or customized applets to give their website the tools they need to enhance search eng…
Work-Flow Tools
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The power of HTML 5 fused with JavaScript Libraries such as jQuery, Prototype, and Scriptaculous are the foundation of nextgen business solutions. ZakGraphix brings all these together with comprehensive system analysis and workflow enhancement that gives businesses and their employees the simplification and increase in efficiency they need.