Local Landing Pages

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ZakGraphix Local Landing Pages

Our zgLLPs are designed to extend the reach of a website's content across localized search queries. As most service, product, or sales related pages contain a more general collection of indexable terms, they do not have the ability to target a wide range of local searches without diminishing the effectiveness of their content.

The Marketing Power of Local Landing Pages

Google and Yahoo are looking for content, thus we deliver what they want. Good, fresh, properly written content that not only gets listed for the the targeted index terms, but provides those using the search engines what they are looking for - powerful marketing content that directs them to your services! Our writing is SEL focused, but marketing driven, and the progressive result is a continual growth and expansion of your website with powerfully composed, marketing focused content.

zgLLP Packages:

zgLLP SEL Content Generation - $100 one-time fee

  • SEL Copy writing for one zgLLP instance
    • 500 to 750 word length
    • 1 round of revisions

zgEXCELL zgLLP* - (Individual) $6 launch fee, $0.35 per month

  • Replication of zgLLP SEL Content for each city and county listing
  • Integration into zgACESS reporting
  • Strategic ZakGraphix SEL content updates to boost SEL rankings
  • Quarterly modifications to keep content fresh for the search engines

Open-Source zgLLP** - (Individual) $15 launch fee, $0.00 per month

  • Replication of zgLLP SEL Content for each city and county listing
  • Integration into zgACESS reporting
  • Walk-away SEL content; additional updates billed per page

* The zgEXCELLcms contains a custom applet that gives us more control that any Open Source CMS, and thus allows us to make regular SEL modificaitons via charging a small monthly fee.
** The Open-Source variation doesn't include a monthly fee, as any variation of the zgLLP content generation is one-way. Thus all SEL updates or modifications are billed hourly, as each zgLLP must be delt with individually.