Anyone Can Make A Website!

Home » Blog » March 19th, 2010 | Anyone Can Make A Website!
Anyone Can Make A Website!

This is actually a very true statement. In fact, anyone can also build a house, paint a portrait, and even perform surgery - however, it may not be up to the same standards of quality that a professional construction worker, a classical painter, and a neurosurgeon could perform. The same is true for a website, but!!.... don't let that discourage you from trying!

If you actually are interested in making a website, first start learning HTML. I recommend learning XHTML 1.0, just because it will be more compatible with future browsers. Check out this W3C tutorial for basic HTML structure:

Modern web development is a combination of HTML (the display language), and CSS (the styling language) so you will next want to learn more about CSS. I refuse to sugar coat this one, so I'll just be frank, CSS for browsers before IE8 and Firefox 3.0 are going to be a pain for you to learn each browser's misinterpretations of the code. W3C has tried to establish guidlines that will assist web developers in creating cross-browser compatible websites, and in recent years, web browser developers have started to comply. The next thing I recommend doing is learning CSS, and then CSS hacks for earlier web Browsers (Or you could be like me and Not Support IE6!):

The next thing you will need is a image program to develop the graphical elements not obtainable through HTML and CSS. I recommend either Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Fireworks. These programs were designed to give you the tools you need to create beautiful looking websites.

Finally, I recommend learning a client-side interactive language, like JavaScript (specifically the DOM interface), and few development languages, like PHP or,  to really get your website singing and moving in the direction you want! I personally went down to Borders and bought several books and in a matter of 6 months memorized them. It will take you much longer to actually learn how to properly use them in development, (sorta like learning about how to hold a sword, then getting put in the ring to fence with one) but if you keep trying and use Google or Yahoo to find others who have had similar problems, not only will you learn how to use the language, but you will also be teaching yourself how to learn more effectively and use the internet as a teaching tool!

Sure, I do realize I wasn't much help in this initial tutorial about web development, but I am saving those for the many posts to follow. If you are interested in learning more, please visit zakgraphix blog and check out our tutorials, as well as for video tutorials!

ZakGraphix - "Raising the Standard of Design, One Website at a Time."

Micah Zak
St. Louis Web Design -
